
Nexus 2024 Volunteers 1

Volunteers play a key role in the success of AMCP Nexus 2024!  

See below for volunteer opportunities during the meeting.

Call for Education Session and Poster Tour moderators is now closed.

Education session moderators make housekeeping announcements at the beginning and end of the session, introduce faculty, keep the session on track with scheduled start and end times, facilitate the Q&A period, and ensure that no product endorsements occur during the session. Moderators are provided with a script from the AMCP education team to follow.

Poster tour moderators lead attendees around speaker-attended posters for a presentation, followed by an interactive discussion with the poster presenters. Moderators will make housekeeping announcements to ensure the presentation begins on time and keep all presenters to their allocated time. Moderators are provided with a script from the AMCP education team to follow.

The call for education sessions and poster tour moderators will close on Tuesday, September 3.


Nexus 2024 Volunteers 2

Conference Buddy Program  

This popular mentor program matches student pharmacists or new practitioners with seasoned managed care pharmacists to increase visibility and awareness of managed care pharmacy. These pairings meet informally at Nexus 2024 to discuss the industry, career pathways, and AMCP resources available to help student pharmacists and new practitioners grow. To ensure a match, you must sign up by Tuesday, Sept. 24.  AMCP will start the matching process and advise on pairings starting Tuesday, Oct. 1.   

Contact memberservices@amcp.org with questions regarding the Conference Buddy Program.    

To participate, individuals must sign up within the Nexus 2024 registration system and commit to a 30-minute meeting with their mentor/ mentee during Nexus 2024.

AMCP Concierge Booth Volunteers  

Expand your network and give back to your profession by staffing the AMCP Concierge booth. Attendees visiting the booth ask questions about the meeting, membership, and/or AMCP programs and activities. To assist booth volunteers, AMCP provides host materials including frequently asked questions before the meeting and onsite in the booth. Volunteer shifts are one hour each.   

Contact memberservices@amcp.org with questions regarding volunteering at the AMCP Concierge.  

Sign Up Today

AMCP Foundation Best Poster Judge  

At the Opening Night Reception, Best Poster Judges evaluate junior researchers presenting innovative research based on scientific merit, methodology, and visual interpretation of data to determine the winners in three categories: Best Student Poster, Best Resident/Fellow Poster, and Best Graduate Student Poster. The winners will be selected based on the judges' scores.   

Sign Up Today

Contact contact@amcpfoundation.org with questions regarding AMCP Foundation volunteer opportunities.

AMCP Foundation Poster Mentor  

Poster Mentors play a pivotal role by offering insightful feedback and helping authors fine-tune their research for presentation at AMCP meetings. They provide personalized, one-on-one guidance, spending 5 to 15 minutes with each presenter. This valuable interaction ensures that presenters are well-prepared and equipped to effectively communicate their research to the audience. 

Sign Up Today

Contact contact@amcpfoundation.org with questions regarding AMCP Foundation volunteer opportunities.

Nexus 2024 Volunteer 3

Hospitality Host Volunteer  

Be one of the first smiling faces to greet attendees at Nexus 2024! AMCP is seeking Hospitality Host volunteers for October 14-17 in Las Vegas. Volunteers will greet attendees at registration, act as human directionals, and answer any attendee questions (don't fret – AMCP will provide all you need – even a T-shirt). Volunteers will be key in helping attendees navigate the MGM Grand with ease and confidence. If interested, fill out this form

Contact gmutchler@amcp.org with questions regarding Hospitality Host volunteer opportunities.